November 13, 2006

I am alive!

First and foremost, I wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful blogging friends (and general audiences) that have contacted me due to having to be blog-less for a while. I am doing pretty well. Last week, middle of the night, I started to cramp up and was a bit concerned that I was having contractions. I waited the next day to see if they would progress or die down. They progressed. My Dr. told us to get to the hospital and check in to Labor and Delivery. I was having pre term labor contractions! I am at 30 weeks, so this wasn't a good thing. The nurses monitored me and the baby and gave me a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions. All is well now. I'm officially on bedrest, which I will admit...I'm not doing a great job of resting in bed. There's just too much to be done and we don't have any close family or friends to help out. But before you all start yelling at me, I am taking it easy. I was told not to be on my feet for 4 hours or longer. So, I can still do some stuff. Just nothing too hefty. (I've left the dishes for Shawn *wink wink*.)

As I was taking pictures for today's post, Scarlett decided to get into spoiled brat mode and lay on my lap. I don't think she realizes that my lap room is slowly, but surely, disappearing. But, I know that she hasn't been feeling too well the past few days. We have to take her to the Vet, again, because her skin is getting all red and flakey again. It looks like she will need monthly allergy shots. Can you tell how amused she is by the news?

In the knitting world though, I have been accepted to the Knitting Blogs Ring. I've been waiting since, what feels like, forever. But I'm excited that I've been accepted. I feel like I'm such a real Knitter now!

I got this in the mail the other day:

I checked out Spinning in the Old Way from the library, but it didn't really help with the instructions for the type of spindle I bought earlier in the month. But Spin to Knit has been quite helpful and I'm confident that I will be able to spin some yarn quite soon!

I've also been reading this, by the Yarn Harlot:

I love her! She's just so witty. She's just so right about knitters. If you haven't read any of her books, or this one, get yourself a copy and read away. It's totally worth it!

I've decided to work on some WIP's, including the Pinwheel Sweater from Last night I ripped the garter stitch edging out because my increases weren't working properly. This is where I got so far:

I have about 36 rounds of garter stitch that need to be done and then I can add the I-Cord edging and work the sleeves. I really like the color combination I chose. I can't wait for the baby to wear some her knitwear.

I'm also trying to get some sock knitting going. I don't know why I have such a hard time. Maybe it's because I have a wonky sized foot. Maybe because I'm making it so hard? But I decided to swatch the Cha Cha I got from the Secret Pal 9 swap. The colors are gorgeous. Now if I could get the nerve to start knitting it into a sock!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're doing well! Congrats on the Knitting Blog ring. Will be expecting updates from you now!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're safe!! Now, TAKE IT EASY - REST, REST AND REST SOME MORE (take advantage of it while you can - you'll be running around like crazy after the baby's born)! PS: Congratulations on the Knitting Blog ring. x

Beth said...

Hello from your Knitting Blog Ring neighbor!!

Get the rest you need. Everything really can wait. Resting is a good time to knit and socks are such a small project to tackle. They're also perfect because you can take them anywhere with you. Don't be scared - just jump right in.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're doing better--stay off those feet! You've got plenty of knitting and one very cute dog to keep you company in bed or on the sofa all day.