Today was a busy day, most of it sitting in traffic while getting to or from the places I was going. My first stop was the LYS so I could knit my new pair of socks, (see below), and skein up the STR Pink Granite yarn. Doing 300 some odd yarns by hand isn't my idea of a good Saturday night. I really need a yarn swift. Badly.
After that I stopped by the bead shop and bought some more supplies for my shop. I only have four items up for sale at the moment, but I have oodles and oodles of things being listed soon.
Then I stopped by the r/c shop for Shawn. He's temporarily blind. He has a sty of some sort on the inside of his eyelid, (I attribute it to the fact that he very rarely changes his contacts and though his Dr. said it's ok to wear them at night, he always wears them and doesn't let his eyes rest...This is the second time this has happened.) It's caused him to be extremely sensitive to the light, so he can't drive.
After getting home in the 103 degree heat, (and the pool still being shut down by the Health Department), I found a package of goodness waiting for me from my Hogwarts Sock Pal, Marie:
But it doesn't stop there, Marie spoiled me even more with stitch markers, Crystal Palace size 0 DPN's, a little lamb candy dispenser, (that can also be a keychain), some Bertie's Botts Beans, some mints in a really cute container, a Ravenclaw keychain and a gray knitted bunny! I have been quite the lucky duck lately. I ♥ Marie! Thank you lady, you totally ROCK!
Tonight I spent some time working on my socks, but I also spent some time with these:
Every few rows I'd pop a donette and make progress with my new project. (I just had to, you understand.)
I'm a tease though. I'm not showing you, or telling you, what stitch I'm using for the instep. I will tell you though, that it looks great and I'm about 1/2 to the heel. These are going by quickly. I wish I could say the same for my pals Hogwarts socks. I guess that's what I get for not buying self striping yarn and knowing that I will hate myself once I get to the weaving. The deadline is coming up. I only have about 8 sets of 6 rows in changing colors. But the weaving. Oh the weaving.
I also started Wicked the other night, though I haven't done much more than 10 or 12 rows. I will say that I'm loving working with the Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK. It's silky soft and I know this sweater will quickly become a favorite.
In other news...Dalton didn't come home yesterday. All day I went outside searching for him. I walked to all of his hiding spots. I called him. I yelled for him. Then finally I cried. Here's the thing about Dalton. I rescued him when he was about 7 weeks old when I still worked at the Vet. He had an upper respiratory infection and I nursed him back to health. He's been my best friend for the past 7 1/2 years. The other thing is that he's declawed. And while he can kick some serious cat ass, he can't defend himself from owls or coyotes. I don't see coyotes near here, though they are around, (they just don't come into our apartment complex). But I have seen owls and while Dalton is a good 20 lbs., and owl can easily carry 3x their own weight.
After hours of searching we heard some meowing in our neighbors storage. It turns out that they were out of town for the past week. They came home and their storage door was open, so they locked it. It wasn't until a few hours later that we realized that they locked Dalton inside.
So now he's home, safe and sound. And he got a good cuddling and lecture about not leaving for so long and hiding because I love him too much and could never replace him. That darn cat!
Oh my gosh - I'm so happy Dalton is safe and sound!!
What a wonderful package - it sounded like perfect timing too.
Thank God Dalton didn't do a "Digit" on you!
Those socks you got are awesome!
I checked out your Etsy shop, cute stuff!
I'm so glad you were able to find Dalton safe and sound!
Glad you liked the package! I put a lot of love into those socks. I knit up the bunny as a quick project, and then I thought that Scout might like it. It's got buttons, but they're very baby safe.
So glad that Dalton's home safe! I've had pets go missing, and it's so scary.
What great stuff! I'm glad Dalton is safe!
donuts and knitting. what a perfect combination! so glad you found your Dalton. i'm sure that losing him for that short amount of time was too much.
What a delightful batch of treasures!
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