In yarn and stitches

These are the Simone's I ordered, but I changed their names to Dalton. Afterall, I have to have both Scarlett and Dalton on my knitting.
And here's a more clear shot of what's been going on with the cables. I haven't been knitting too much lately. A row here and there. I'm almost at my 22 1/2" though, which makes me quite happy. The fact of the matter has been we've been bogged down my veterinary appointments, post office runs, OB appointments, therapy appointments, homework help...By the end of the day, I'm not getting too many rows in.
But I am determined to get some quality knitting time in today. You see, we had an "emergency" OB appointment yesterday. I had mentioned I'd been cramping up a bit. Well it turns out that there is something wrong with my uterus. (Luckily nothing wrong with the baby!) Apparently my uterus is tilted a bit forward which is sitting more on my right ureter. I was told that the right side is what tends to drain your bladder, more than your left. So because my uterus is essentially sitting on the ureter, it's causing some pinching...thus the cramping. My OB assured me that it's nothing to worry about unless it progresses. And since I still have two and a half months to go, we don't know what to expect. He said that if the cramping gets worse than he will have to put a stint in the ureter to keep the urine draining. Oh the things we do for our children! So I am supposed to take it easy and that's what I intend on doing today. Damnit! I will get something done besides dishes and laundry!
Isn't that yarn beautiful! I hope all goes will with the OB thing. I Hate when something like that happens. I had my placenta covering the cervix withmy last preganancy and was a complete wreak until the next ultrasound. Thank goodness it moved.
Now how am I supposed to buy you nifty stuff when you buy it yourself? Good choice on the yarn. I've been eyeballing it for myself!
Your first Sockret Pal package went out in the mail today. Look for it on Monday.
The return address is not a clue to who I am......mwahhhhhhhh:D
I LOVE those stitch markers! What a great idea, and so unique.
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